Communication Channels
As a result of feedback we have decided to streamline our communications between home and school. As communication is as only good as the receiver, we encourage all our families to engage with all of our communication channels.
- Fortnightly, (even weeks) will be sent via eNews. To sign up for eNews, please refer to the instructions contained in the eNews section of the Faulconbridge Public School website It can be found in the blue banner above the picture on the website front page.
- Please read the newsletter each fortnight as it will include information regarding upcoming events, notes sent home, school timetable and activity updates as well as important general school information.
- The school website will be used for organisational purposes that include upcoming events, newsletters, whole school and stage notes, general school information, contacts and promotion
- All whole school, stage and grade notes will be sent home via a paper copy, on eNews and on the website.
- Class notes that are relevant to your child’s class only will go home via Class Dojo and/or a paper copy will be sent home (please see your child’s class teacher to sign up for class Dojo)
- Facebook will not be used for organisational information. It will include photos of school events, achievements, reminders of upcoming and previously advertised events
- The school Facebook account does allow for community members to private message the school with questions.
- The school will respond to messages via Facebook between 9am and 4pm on school days. For emergency queries please contact the school on (02) 47 512208
Contact Us
- School email-
- To contact individual class teachers please email the above address and your email will be forwarded to the class teacher.
- Phone- (02) 47 512208
- Facebook messenger, (access via school Facebook page)
- If you require an interview with the class teacher please contact the school to arrange an appointment.